Tentative Schedule for the programmes session 2024-2025
GURU-DAKSHTA : Faculty Induction Programme (FIP)
Sr. No. | Induction Programme(s) | Tentative Schedule* | Link of the Programme |
1. | 17th GURU-DAKSHTA Faculty Induction Programme (online) | 01.08.2024 to 28.08.2024 | Closed |
2. | 18th GURU-DAKSHTA Faculty Induction Programme (Residential-offline) | 01.11.2024 to 28.11.2024 | https://forms.gle/yBGMGgXrr7aPMApJ6 |
Refresher Course(s) of 2 Weeks duration
Sr. No. | Subject | Tentative schedule* | Link of the Programme |
1 | Quality Concerns in Teacher Education (ID) – online | 17.09.2024 to 30.09.2024 | Closed |
2 | Mathematics and its Applications- online | 06.11.2024 to 19.11.2024 | https://forms.gle/P31UUEoGXf1ponQAA |
3. | Political Science – online | 18.11.2024 to 01.12.2024 | https://forms.gle/XijjnsbD5s49UwH28 |
4. | Human Rights, Social Inclusion and Sustainable Development (ID) - Residential-offline | 09.11.2024 to 22.11.2024 | https://forms.gle/SGrG1teCHgCrdhsZ7 |
5. | Affordability, Accessibility and Innovation in Education and Research (ID) - Residential-offline | 04.02.2025 to 17.02.2025 | https://forms.gle/VrYLUsXTcH7hpczD8 |
Sr. No. | Short Term Course (S.T.C.) (One each of One-week duration) |
Tentative Schedule* | Link of the Programme |
1. | Entrepreneurship and leadership skills - online | 09.10.2024 to 15.10.2024 | https://forms.gle/BtnBK4UvQ2BWQhzA7 |
2. | Water management and Tradition Knowledge System - online | 16.10.2024 to 22.10.2024 | https://forms.gle/t7uXDZSFLdpU6txG9 |
3. | Cyber Crime / Cyber security & Cyber Law - Residential-offline | 14.11.2024 to 20.11.2024 | https://forms.gle/8KzA7PizTUgNFS4EA |
4. | Software Packages for Data Analysis Residential - offline | 01.12.2024 to 07.12.2024 | https://forms.gle/SfT2uyC897aqeXog6 |
5. | Gender Senstization Residential - offline | 05.01.2025 to 12.01.2025 | https://forms.gle/w2FsvYNxrKJ2nAVB8 |
The NEP 2020 Orientation and Sensitization Programme (Online)
(Under the Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme- MM-TTP)
How to apply-
Step 01: Go to https://mmc.ugc.ac.in/ Step 02: Select Centre from menu Step 03: Search for University of Allahabad
Step 04: Click view under training list Step 05: click under action
Login page will appear, if you are first time visitor, please register yourself or login using your email id and password and follow the instruction for application.
An Online Certificate will be issued to those who have attended all the sessions and have qualified the Assessment test.
Sl. No. |
Programme IDMonthly NEP 2020 |
Tentative Schedule |
Registration link |
1. |
MMC-103-2024-APR-A-01535 |
10.04.2024 to 19.04.2024 |
2. |
MMC-103-2024-APR-B-01536 |
15.04.2024 to 24.04.2024 |
3. |
MMC-103-2024-MAY-A-01519 |
06.05.2024 to 15.05.2024 |
4. |
MMC-103-2024-MAY-B-01520 |
20.05.2024 to 29.05.2024 |
5. |
MMC-103-2024-JUN-A-01521 |
03.06.2024 to 12.06.2024 |
6. |
MMC-103-2024-JUN-B-01522 |
17.06.2024 to 26.06.2024 |
7. |
MMC-103-2024-JUL-A-01523 |
08.07.2024 to 17.07.2024 |
8. |
MMC-103-2024-JUL-B-01524 |
22.07.2024 to 31.07.2024 |
9. |
MMC-103-2024-AUG-A-01525 |
05.08.2024 to 14.08.2024 |
10. |
MMC-103-2024-AUG-B-01526 |
19.08.2024 to 28.08.2024 |
11. |
MMC-103-2024-SEP-A-01527 |
02.09.2024 to 11.09.2024 |
12. |
MMC-103-2024-SEP-B-01528 |
16.09.2024 to 25.09.2024 |
13. |
MMC-103-2024-OCT-A-01529 |
07.10.2024 to 16.10.2024 |
14. |
MMC-103-2024-OCT-B-01530 |
21.10.2024 to 30.10.2024 |
15. |
MMC-103-2024-NOV-A-01531 |
04.11.2024 to 13.11.2024 |
16. |
MMC-103-2024-NOV-B-01532 |
18.11.2024 to 27.11.2024 |
17. |
MMC-103-2024-DEC-A-01533 |
02.12.2024 to 11.12.2024 |
18. |
MMC-103-2024-DEC-B-01534 |
16.12.2024 to 25.12.2024 |
19. |
NEP 2020 Orientation and Sensitization Programme |
06.01.2025 to 15.01.2025 |
20. |
NEP 2020 Orientation and Sensitization Programme |
20.01.2025 to 29.01.2025 |
21. |
NEP 2020 Orientation and Sensitization Programme |
03.02.2025 to 12.02.2025 |
22. |
NEP 2020 Orientation and Sensitization Programme |
17.02.2025 to 26.02.2025 |
23. |
NEP 2020 Orientation and Sensitization Programme |
03.03.2025 to 12.03.2025 |
24. |
NEP 2020 Orientation and Sensitization Programme |
10.03.2025 to 19.03.2025 |
(Prof. Ashish Saxena)
University of Allahabad
Contact Details of Office
Mobile: 7905160674 (Mr. Tej Narayan Choudhry)