CRET 2024 | Notification/Candidates Shortlisted for Skill Test: MTS(Specialized Post) | Applications invited for Incubation / Pre-Incubation Programmes | CRET 2024 | Document Submission ( for B.A, B.Sc.) | Link for ABC ID | "Citadel of Learning: The Glory of University of Allahabad" | Guide for creating ABC ID for students | Warning against the misuse of Allahabad University Logo | Feedback Form


Library membership is open to the members of the University community (i.e. teachers, officers, research scholars, students and other employees of the University). Consultation facility is also provided to the teachers and research scholars of other Universities and colleges, on production of proper identity /recommendations from concerned authority.

Working Hours:

Library is open from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM from Monday to Saturday and from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Sundays and holidays except on Republic Day, Holi, Eid-ul-Fitr, Independence Day, Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday, Vijaya Dashami, Diwali and Christmas.

The Central Library provides different types of library services to its users. These may be summarized as:

  1. 1. Reference
  2. 2. OPAC
  3. 3. Circulation
  4. 4. Reading
  5. 5. Lending to department/centre libraries
  6. 6. Photocopying
  7. 7. Consultation
  8. 8. Membership
  9. 9. Book Reservation
  10. 10. Inter Library Loan
  11. 11. Internet facilities for on-line access of e-resources
  12. 12. SDI and CAS
  13. 13. Access of e-resources
  14. 14. Remote Access
  15. 15. Plagiarism Detection
  16. 16. Web OPAC