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Dean of Commerce Desk


25 May 2022

Enrollment of B.Com- III (Session:2022-23)

As per instruction of the Dean, Faculty of Commerce, the students of B.Com-III (session 2022-23) are required to submit their enrollment form along with necessary documents to the Dean office, faculty of Commerce on or before 31st May 2022. The students are being informed to bring the copy of the following documents for enrollment
1.    University entrance score card 
2.    Promotion certificate of 1st Year
3.     Aadhaar card 
4.     Fee receipt of B.Com. 3rd Year


03 Dec 2019

Dean, Faculty of Commerce, UoA

Keeping in view the requests of various students the last opportunity is being provided for enrolment in the above mentioned classes by extending the date of enrolment from 04/12/2019 to 11/12/2019. The enrolment of those students, who seek enrolment after 18/10/2019 in the above classes, shall be done with a fine of Rs. 1000/- (one thousand only ) and all such students are required to submit their application in the office of the Dean, Faculty of commerce for further necessary action.

07 Mar 2019

Dean, Faculty of Commerce, UoA

This is to inform you the faculty of commerce has taken initiative to organize an Essay Competition under the auspicious of Prime Minister’s “Swachhta hi sewa “ Programme. The following students were selected for the First, Second and third Prizes: 1. Ms Khadija Nabia (M.Com.) first Prize, Department of Commerce & Business Administration, UoA. 2. Mr. Abhinav Srivastava, (M.A.Economics), Second Prize, Department of Economics, UoA. 3. Ms Amisha Agrahari (M.Com.) third Prize, Department of Commerce & Business Administration, UoA. Further, the following students were selected for award of scholarship institiuted by Mr. A.K.Purwar, former chairman, State Bank of India in the memory of his mother Late smt. Vidya Devi Purwar for being stood First among girl and boy students of B.Com Part –I exam. (Session 2017-18)1. MS. Subhi Tripathi D/o Shri Rakesh Tripathi, B.Com Part II Department of Commerce & Business Administration, UoA 2. Mr. Shubham Sharma s/o Rameshwar Sharma B.Com Part-II Department of Commerce & Business Administration,UoA The aforesaid prixes and scholarship were give to the above named students in a programme organized on Wednesday 27th February,2019 at 10:30am in the Department of Commerce & Business Administration. The Dean, Faculty of Commerce, Prof. Prahlad Kumar Sistributed the Certificates of Appereciation and Cash Proxes. Those who graced the occasion were Prof. AsimMukjerjee, Prof. M.M. Krishana, Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Mishra, Dr. Shefali Nandan, Mr. Miraz Ahmad etc. the research scholars and P.G. students of the Faculty were also prsesnt.